Potato crops with Onedrip

Soaplast > News > Potato crops with Onedrip

The cultivation of potatoes is a widespread agricultural practice all over the world 🌍, thanks to the versatility and the high nutritional value of this precious tuber. 🥔

Sowing usually takes place in spring and irrigation must be managed very carefully, avoiding excesses that can cause radical rot. Potatoes require water especially in critical stages of development, such as flowering and tuberization. However, it’s important not to overdo it to prevent fungal diseases.

Drip irrigation is the preferred method for growing potatoes. Here comes into play ONE DRIP the super reliable hose, excellent delivery homogeneity and reduced risk of occlusion is the solution for an optimal yield of crops.

ONE DRIP as well as all the driplines Soaplast is produced following the strict indications of the ISO9261 standard, of which Soaplast is proud to have obtained certification from the well-known international certification body BUREAU VERITAS!

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