Single drop flat dripline

Highly resistant to clogging.
Soaplast > Flat driplines > Single drop flat dripline

OneDrip single drop flat dripline

OneDrip® is a high quality polyethylene dripline, with a flat single-drop turbulent flow dripper welded to the pipe wall.

OneDrip® is perfect for irrigating open field crops as well as covered soil crops. Ideal both in flower crops and in horticultural plantations, such as: strawberries, courgettes, melon, watermelon, onion, garlic, tomatoes, carrots, aubergines, potatoes, peppers, celery, broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower, fennel, artichokes, corn, chilli pepper, radicchio, pumpkin, carnations, roses…


The versions with thicker pipe walls are suitable for multi-season crops.

The exceptional depth of the labyrinth makes One Drip® an integreted emitter with excellent performance in the field, not very sensitive to pressure and highly resistant to clogging.

The range of diameters, thicknesses, spacings and flow rates allows for wide versatility of the product, making it ideal for any type of crop.


  • Flat
  • Turbulent flow
  • Deep labyrinth
  • Large inlet filter with exceptional clogging resistance
  • Low pressure sensitivity
  • Low CV


  • Crops in open field
  • Greenhouse crops
  • Horticulture
  • Floriculture


  • Excellent emission uniformity for the entire length of the line;
  • Increase in irrigated surface area and greater homogeneity;
  • Less water dispersion in the presence of sandy soils;
  • High resistance to UV rays and fertilizers used in agriculture;
  • Complete emptying at the end of the irrigation cycle;
  • Easy application thanks to the double continuous strip, emitter side;
  • Reduced maintenance interventions required.

Product specifications

  • Diameter (mm): from 16 to 29
  • Thickness (mil): from 6 to 40
  • Nominal flow rate l/h (1bar): from 0.8 to 4.0
  • Spacing (cm): 15 to 150

Useful tips

Soaplast always recommends the use of a good water filtration system designed and installed by competent personnel.


Find out more

Recommended filtration

For nominal flow rate: (l/h) 0,8 – 1,2: 150 Mesh – 100 Micron
For nominal flow rate: (l/h) 1,2 – 2,2 – 3,8 : 130 Mesh – 120 Micron