
News ed Eventi di Soaplast
Soaplast > Notizie

Food supply certainly cannot be stopped

The supply chain linked to the agricultural world is engaged in this difficult moment in guaranteeing a sufficient flow of food throughout the planet. Soaplast is proud to be part of it! Dualdrip is an effective drip irrigation tool, with less use of...

Continua la nostra campagna #iodò

Regalbuto, la Soaplast dona al Comune pacchi alimentari con prodotti alimentari per l’infanzia


La campagna #iodò di Soaplast nasce in un momento di crisi straordinario e rispecchia l’etica insieme ai valori con cui la nostra organizzazione ha da sempre agito. Abbiamo lanciato questa campagna perché sentiamo l’esigenza di dar vita ad un atteggiamento di unione e...

Italy, phase 2.

The pandemic has brought the world economy to its knees. Soaplast, in accordance with the safety protocols, continues its activity looking optimistically to the next few years. The hope is that we can exceed this sad emergency as soon as possible, without ever...

World Earth Day 2020

Today 22.04.2020 we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the world earth day. In recent months we have witnessed negative events that will remain etched in our memories and that will change our future. At the same time, we witness unusual scenes where nature...


Soaplast intende in piena etica imprenditoriale rispettare gli impegni commerciali presi ed aderisce alla campagna #iopagoifornitori Facciamo ognuno la nostra parte per non rallentare la ripresa economica del nostro Paese!
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