
News ed Eventi di Soaplast
Soaplast > Notizie

° Green Label °

We are proud to have received this recognition and to be a partner of a virtuous system that aims at maximum sustainability! #soaplastyourefficientdripsystem

– Best Uniformity with DualDrip System –

Aloe CropThe Dual Drip irrigation system guarantees excellent emission uniformity. Get the most out of your crop, every plant counts!


Today agriculture is going through a new revolution, “sustainability”.“Precision agriculture” by calibrating the techniques and substances to be used based on the characteristics of the individual soils and also thanks to the real-time monitoring of weather conditions, it allows efficient management of crops,...


Soaplast ha avviato un progetto di modernizzazione dei locali bagni e spogliatoi, destinati all’utilizzo dei propri operatori. Il distanziamento sociale ha creato un clima di sfiducia.Dare il via e concludere il proprio turno all’interno di un ambientenuovo, moderno e colorato, favorisce il buon...

Food supply certainly cannot be stopped

The supply chain linked to the agricultural world is engaged in this difficult moment in guaranteeing a sufficient flow of food throughout the planet. Soaplast is proud to be part of it! Dualdrip is an effective drip irrigation tool, with less use of...

Continua la nostra campagna #iodò

Regalbuto, la Soaplast dona al Comune pacchi alimentari con prodotti alimentari per l’infanzia
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